Cornerstone Royal Company is one of the few companies with
integrated activities (financial, industrial, agricultural, technological,
scientific, medical and tourism). It is part of a consortium that includes a
number of giant and influential companies in the Middle East, Europe, North
Africa, Asia, the Gulf countries and the United States of America. Thus, our
company "does not impose any restrictions on the amount of financing and
implementation of projects." We have years of experience in cooperating
with partners in preparing and implementing projects and formal meetings in
order to understand projects and achieve goals.
Through years of efforts and achievements, we have accumulated
various technologies and patents with abundant experiences. Where the vacuum
receivers and the integration of the solar field. Corner Stone Royal can serve
CSP basin projects all over the world with large scale deployment Corner Stone
Royal aims to improve efficiency and reduce cost for CSP projects by investing
in innovative technology and industrial production, and pushing forward the
development of energy technology Concentrated solar power in the world through
our projects and services and providing the global economy with green,
reliable, low-cost energy in addition to it, as our projects for the production
of green hydrogen stem from our responsibility towards preserving the global
environment and reducing carbon emissions.
And based on the convictions of Corner Stone Royal of the necessity
of its contributions to the service of civil society due to the scarcity and
scarcity of water, which may herald geographic and geological changes, and to
avoid these catastrophic scenarios, we have concluded bilateral agreements with
a number of the largest international companies specialized in water
desalination and working with the BOT system to meet all water needs and
expansion in the agricultural area.
Corner Stone Royal's activity extends to investing in foodstuffs,
importing, exporting, and manufacturing, and our desired goal to achieve in the
near future is to complete the production wheel from the moment of selecting
the seed to planting the fruit, passing through all stages until presenting the
product in its final form, eaten or drunk.
Thanks to our capabilities and close relations
with international financial institutions and international banks, we were able
to start investing and developing giant infrastructure projects locally and
globally. Finally, we started our initial investments in the field of real
estate with several giant projects in Europe and soon we will start them in the
Middle East, Asia and some African countries.